Organizing a family reunion can be somewhat of a challenge.
Most family members will not want to volunteer for that exhausting task. First, you have to choose the location, time, food and venue.
A head count is where it all begins and trying to please a large group of people with different taste buds, diets and personalities can also be quite difficult.
The last grueling decision to be made, unfortunately, is selecting the right company to entertain the entire family.
Lucky for you, we have a list of the top 3 interactive family reunion games for your consideration.
3 Interactive Family Reunion Games for Small & Large Groups | Indoor & Outdoor Games
That’s a pretty large group and planning this type of event can take about a year or more to get all contracts signed and have everything locked down in a timely manner.
When the family reunion day arrives and the all guests are finally together, you may chat for a while, have something to eat, but the real fun and bonding begins when a few fun interactive games are added to the mix.
Just about everybody love playing games to break up the monotony. So here’s 3 interactive games for family reunions you may want to consider and implement. Relay Races,
Who That Is? Game Show Maina and the latest trend for reunions, Face-2-Face Family Feud.
1) Relay Races
There are several varieties of relay races out there. For example, sack races, three-legged races, and the water race.
For sack races, you’ll need several large sacks (you can purchase them at your local Party City).
The three-legged race is similar, only you use a rope to tie two family member’s legs together. Designate start and finish lines and off you go!
For the water race, you’ll need tablespoons, a couple cups with lines drawn on them and a bucket of water.
Set the cup up on the opposite end of the field. Divide family members up into teams.
The first member dips the spoon into the bucket of water and then races over to the cup and dumps any water remaining on the spoon into the cup.
Then, they race back and hand the spoon to the next person. The first team to fill their cup with water wins!
Relay races are great physical games to get the reunion off to a great start!
2) Who That Is?
This is our customized game show that comes with actual TV style equipment, lights, sound, buzzers, host and engineer.
The show requires a little pre-family reunion prep though. You’ll need to request that each family member sends in a picture or two of themselves in their younger days to us.
Once we receive the pictures, we will insert them into our software. We will host a round of trivia and have everyone guess who is who.
You may want to offer prizes both for the winner and the runner up.
This family reunion game not only tests one’s ability to recognize their extended family members, but it also brings up all sort of fond memories of the good old days!
To make this interactive family reunion game even more interesting, you’ll need to ask each family member for a piece of trivia that you think no one else in the family would know.
For example, if you were Little Red Riding Hood in the school play in 1st grade, you might send in, “I made my onstage debut at the age of 7.”
This game is guaranteed to have your guests thinking, most of all, laughing-out-loud.
3) Face-2-Face Feud
This game show is a carbon copy the hit show Family Feud on TV, except we don’t have $20,000 nor a car to give away.
There will be 3 rounds of hilarious surveys for your family to guess the most popular answer. Encourage all families to pick their teams in advance.
All families will have their 15 seconds ofFamily Feud fame by facing off at a real game show podium with lights and buzzers yet only one family will be awarded the “Grand Prize”.
These are just but a few easy family reunion games you can plan for your next event.
Book us to play with your group, we promise to deliver shows that will have your family coming back next year for a rematch.
If you live in the NYC Tri-State area and want more information about our interactive Family Reunion Games, Contact IT’S PLAYTYME GAME SHOWStoday at 201-357-2979.
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